Do you want to understand your body better?

Are you interested in finding the root cause of your physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances?

It wasn't just luck that brought us together. I'm here to assist you in recognizing and understanding the signals that your body is sending you.

Let's begin!

First, what is a medical intuitive?

A medical intuitive is someone who can understand what might be causing someone’s physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual problems by using their intuition instead of normal medical tests. This means they use their inner vision to identify issues in the body instead of using machines or physical tests. They have abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentient, and claircognizance that allow them to talk to your body and find out what emotions or energy your body is still holding onto that could be causing trouble. They do this by having guided sessions where they receive messages from the body as well as from ancestors and guides to help you let go of problems and move forward.

Hi! I am a Medical Intuitive, Empath, clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and claircognizance. As a child, I could communicate with the unseen world and was very aware of the energy around me. When I was studying to be a chiropractor, I discovered that I had a gift. After I graduated from school, my “sensitivity” grew, and I started to feel emotions trapped in patients’ bodies, along with flashes of visual memories that might be connected to those emotions. I also received guidance and other information that was helpful for their care. Over time, my intuitive abilities expanded, and I became even more accurate. Now, I am completely connected to the information I receive while helping patients.

As a medical intuitive, I want to help people understand their body and the signals it’s sending. I aim to support clients in creating a positive relationship with their body through self-love and compassion.

How medical intuition can be beneficial

 1.Medical intuitives have the ability to perceive energetic imbalances and blockages in the body. They can pinpoint the root cause of a health issue, which may be physical, emotional, or spiritual in nature. This understanding can guide the individual towards awareness and healing.

2. While medical intuitives are not a substitute for traditional medical diagnosis and do not diagnose, they can provide additional insights that may enhance the understanding of a health condition. Their intuitive abilities can offer a different perspective and potentially uncover factors that may have been overlooked.

3. Personalized recommendations for healing, taking into account the unique needs and circumstances of the individual. This may involve suggestions for dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, stress reduction techniques, energy healing modalities, or other holistic approaches.

4. Emotional and energetic support by identifying and address emotional and energetic imbalances that may be contributing to physical symptoms. By providing guidance on emotional healing, stress management, and energy balancing, they can support the individual’s overall well-being and facilitate the healing process.

5. Provide empowerment and self-awareness by empowering their clients to take an active role in their own healing. By gaining a deeper understanding of their health challenges and the underlying factors at play, they can make informed decisions about their healthcare and develop a greater sense of self-awareness.

"Trauma not only exists in our heads, but also in our bodies." - Dr. Karina


Kind Words

let's get to the root let's get to the root let's get to the root let's get to the root let's get to the root let's get to the root let's get to the root

My mission as a Starseed

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 © 2023 Dr. Karina Monegro, DC, P.C. All rights reserved.